Large Selection of New Memorials in Stock
Large Selection of New Memorials in Stock
Trained and Accessed by the Scottish Qualifications Authority to install and re-set memorials of all sizes.
Approved by the Shetland Islands Council Burials Section to install and
re-set memorials throughout Shetland.
Take your time, look around, and learn about all the services we can offer. We hope you enjoy our site and if we can help you in any way please take a moment to contact us for further information.
Shetland Memorials has a large range Memorials in stock at our showroom in Tingwall. Veiwing is by appointment only.
Contact Stephen Duncan on 01595 840419 or 07517456588 to arrange a suitable day/night and time.
We offer a full Maintenance Service on existing Memorials throughout Shetland, from full cleaning, painting, additional inscriptions, re-setting, new ground pins etc.
We will assist you through the full process of selecting the right memorial for your loved one, the inscription and Installation, all at prices hard to beat.
In addition to our large range of quality memorials on offer both in our showroom and brochure, we have now become approved distributers of Belle Lapidi Premium memorials offering even more choice. See our Brochures page where you will find three to chose from.
As well as Cash, Cheque and Bank Transfer Payments we now also take most Debit and Credit Card Payments.
These can be taken at our office or over the phone.
At Shetland Memorials we are always expanding the services we offer and can now provide QR code tags to your memorial.
Anyone in the cemetery can scan the tag on your memorial and see Information ,details photos, videos about your loved one.
The process is very straight forward and we provide you with a link to add what ever information you wish on an easy to use page. Contact us for further information.
We now stock premium flower vases suitable for the Shetland weather Built to last and great quality. Contact us to purchase or for more details
Arrange a visit to the Showroom or alternatively we can agree a home visit with our latest Catalogue. Headstones / Memorials in Shetland
9 Vallafield, Gott. Shetland. United Kingdom
Stephen Duncan Tel: 01595 840419 Mob: 07517456588 Email:
Today | By Appointment |
Contact Us on the above numbers to arrange a suitable appointment time. This can include evenings and weekends
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Ensuring a first class service